NVCRIS Glossary of Terms


A hardware component in an iPad which continually measures the force of gravity upon its three axes. Detail Survey uses these values to compute the angle of slope between its own orientation and the gravity vector. The accelerometers in the iPad 2 model are preferable since they return the smallest error.

Audible Walk Indication

An audible signal indicating the current state of the accessible pedestrian signal.


The process by which the current error from the device’s accelerometer is gathered at each of the critical slope values. This error is stored and applied to subsequent slope measurements, ensuring maximum accuracy. It is recommended that the user perform a calibration once daily.

Combined Ramp

Two curb ramps that share a common upper landing, such as a Combined Perpendicular ramp.

Completion Status

The current status of a given intersection, in Prelim Survey or Detail Survey, which can be either Completed, To Be Done, Not Assigned or Complex.

Complex Intersection

An intersection with more than two individual ramps or more than one combined ramp at a given corner.

Connect to Manager

A process by which a device, running either Prelim or Detail Survey, can connect to a manager device running the Management Module.

Corner Configuration

The intersection elements present at a given corner. Elements are marked as right or left from the perspective of the user standing at the corner facing the intersection point.

Create Intersection Point

A button in Detail Survey to allow user to add an intersection point to the project while in the field.

Critical Slope Values

The maximum allowable slope values for accessibility compliance for various ramp elements. These values are 1:48 (2.1%), 1:20 (5%), 1:12 (8.3%) and 1:10 (10%).

Curb Ramp

A sloped curb cut allowing accessible pedestrian travel from a sidewalk to a crosswalk. Curb ramps may have up to 8.3% front slope and 2.1% side slope.

Detail Survey Module

NVCRIS module for conducting a field inventory of pedestrian curb ramps, traffic signals and crosswalks.

Does Not Exist Button

A button to be used when the given ramp element does not exist at this ramp.

Enable Add Intersection

A button in Prelim that will toggle a special mode to add an intersection point to the map and the project’s database tables.


A ramp element that connects the ramp to an adjacent walkable surface. The purpose of flares is to prevent tripping, not to support wheelchair travel. Flares may be up to 10% slope at the curb line.

Front Slope

The running slope along the path of travel. The red arrow always points in the direction of the front slope in the Slope Interface.

Help Button

A button found on each screen in NVCRIS which links to a help document related to the functionality on that screen.

Intersection Element

A component of an intersection, such as a ramp, traffic signal or crosswalk.

Individual Ramp

A curb ramp that has its own upper landing or no upper landing required.

Intersection Number

A unique identifier for a given intersection in the project’s database tables.

Intersection Point

The coordinates of the intersection in the project database tables, represented by a green circle in the Inventory Screen.

Inventory Screen

Used in both Prelim Survey and Detail Survey, a screen with an aerial photo of a given intersection, an intersection point (green circle), and buttons to add ramps, signals and crosswalks to the intersection, edit or delete existing items, and manage ramp types.

Lip at Flow Line

A sudden level change at the ramp’s flow line.

Long Press

A special gesture in iOS devices whereby the user pressed a finger or fingers down on screen and holds for a specified duration of time (usually 0.5 seconds) without moving.

Management Module

NVCRIS module for setting up and managing a field inventory of pedestrian curb ramps, traffic signals and crosswalks.

Manager Device

The iPad designated to manage a given project. Only manager devices may run the Management Module, and there may only be one manager device per project.

Manual Measurement

A slope measurement collected by a digital level and entered into the Detail Survey module via a slider.

Marker Button

A button in the Prelim Survey which identifies the closest intersection to the point tapped by the user in the map. The marker button displays the intersection number and can be tapped for a list of options for that intersection.

Middle Ramp

A single curb ramp that serves both right and left crosswalks, such as a Fan or Depressed Corner ramp.

Notes Interface

An interface allowing the user to enter plain text notes regarding a given corner, and create a list of predefined notes to choose from.

NVCRIS (NewVision Curb Ramp Inventory System)

A system to setup, prepare, conduct and manage a field inventory of pedestrian curb ramps, traffic signals and crosswalks.

NVCRIS Cloud Server

The server(s) which data and pictures are uploaded to and downloaded from via the Synchronize Data process.

NVCRIS User Number

A unique number provided by email for the user to enter during the initial setup process. The purpose of entering this number is to verify the user’s email address.


Any permanent structure that is within a pedestrian path of travel, such as a manhole, hydrant, or pole box.

Photo Interface

A special interface for taking photos in the Detail Survey, allowing the user to switch photo orientation without re-gripping the device.

Preliminary Survey Module

NVCRIS module for preparing a field inventory of pedestrian curb ramps, traffic signals and crosswalks.

Priority Location

A public location, such as a school, hospital or library, which requires accessibility from nearby intersections.

PROWAG (Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines)

Proposed accessibility guidelines from the U.S. Access Board. It is expected that these guidelines will be adopted by the Department of Justice as the standard implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Pushbutton Locator Tone

An audible signal to help the visually impaired locate a pushbutton at an accessible pedestrian signal.

Ramp Element

A component of a pedestrian curb ramp, such as a flare, upper landing or street landing.

Ramp Type

The classification of the ramp, from a predefined list of ramp types. Each ramp type includes adifferent list of ramp elements to be measured during the field survey.

Ramp Number

A number which represents a curb ramp’s position relative to the intersection point.

Ramp Width

The width, in inches, of the flat part of the curb ramp at the curb line.

Refresh Button

Found in the upper right of the Inventory Screen’s intersection image, this button will refresh the image by downloading a fresh aerial photo from the network.

Side Slope

The cross slope, which is at a 90 degree angle to the path of travel. Positive side slopes go down from right to left, and negative side slopes go down from left to right.

Slope Interface

The screen in which the front slope and side slope are gathered by the iPad. These values may be overridden by a Manual Measurement.

Steep Top of Curb

A sudden level change at a ramp’s extended curb line.

Street Landing

A ramp element which should be a 4’ x 4’ landing space at the bottom of the curb ramp. Street landings may have up to 5% front slope and 5% side slope.

Synchronize Data

A process by which the user uploads data and pictures to, and downloads data and pictures from the NVCRIS Cloud Server. This process keeps multiple devices in sync with each other.


The surface material on a given curb ramp. The purpose of a texture is to provide a detectable warning to the visually impaired. The current standard for detectable warnings is to use truncated domes.


A process by which the user can do a complete inventory of up to 25 curb ramps, and get the data and photos at no cost. This is an ideal way to try out the system to see if it will meet the user’s needs.


An app provided by Apple to share apps with users using an email invitation. These apps are in the beta testing phase. Users are notified whenever an update is available to install. Each TestFlight build is good for 60 days.

Unable Button

A button to be used when the ramp element exists, but the user is unable to gather the slope measurement, due to conditions such as standing water.

Upper Landing

A ramp element which should be a 4’ x 4’ landing space at the top of the curb ramp. Upper landings may have up to 2.1% front slope and 2.1% side slope. Most ramp types require an upper landing.

Upper Landing Depth

The distance, in inches, between the front and back extents of the upper landing. A minimum of 48” is required in most cases.

Zoom to Extents Button

A button, represented by four arrows pointing away from each other, that will move a map to the extents of its current designated boundary.